Cotton Vespasian A. xiv

 (Llyfrgell Brydeinig: )
A composite manuscript, containing texts made between the early eleventh and late twelfth century.

The manuscript includes a calendar; Latin-Old Cornish glossary; Lives of Welsh saints ('Vita Sanctorum Wallensium'); excerpts from Bede's Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum; Gilbert Crispin, De spiritu sancto, and an Altercatio inter Urbanum et Clementem and a letter-book of Wolfstan (d. 1023), bishop of Worcester and archbishop of York.

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De Situ Brecheiniauc , f. 10v⁠–11v
Vita Carantoci I , 93r⁠–94r
Vita Carantoci II , 94r⁠–94v
Vita Iltuti , 43v⁠–52r
Rhigyfarch Vita Sancti David I , 61r⁠–70v
Vita Sancti Kebii

One of two medieval Lives of Cybi found in the British Library Cotton manuscript Vespasian A. xiv.

Vita Sancti Kebii

One of two medieval Lives of Cybi found in the British Library Cotton manuscript Vespasian A. xiv.

De Situ Brecheiniauc

Twelfth-century genealogical text.

Vita Carantoci I

Short Latin Life preserved in Cotton Vespasian A.xiv, perhaps twelfth century.

Vita Carantoci II

The beginning of a Latin Life, preserved in Cotton Vespasian A.xiv, perhaps twelfth century.

Vita Iltuti

Latin Life written in the early twelfth century, and included among the Lives in Cotton Vespasian A xiv.

Vita Sancti David I