Cyfeirnod OS: ST43409175
Lat/Lng: 51.621710282,-2.81897069719

Eglwys Sant Dyfrig

Llanfaches, Sir Fynwy

Esgobaeth: Mynwy/Monmouth  (Esgobaeth gynt: Llandaf/Llandaff)

Seintiau gyda chyswllt i'r safle hon

The Buildings of Wales: Gwent/Monmouthshire (London: 2000), 360–1

Martyrs and Memorials: Merthyr Place-names and the Church in Early Wales (Aberystwyth: University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, 2013), 88–9

Place-Names of Gwent (Llanrwst: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2005), 123

(Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth: 2001), 592    Darllen ar-lein


'Parochiale Wallicanum' yn Y Cymmrodor (1910), 79

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