Cyndeyrn (Kentigern)

Sant Anhysbys, diwedd y bymthegfed ganrif, Eglwys y Santes Fair, Biwmaris

Gwŷl: 13 Ionawr

Gwybodaeth ychwanegol


Vita S. Asaph

Partially surviving Life of Asaph probably dating to the thirteenth century. The original manuscript was lost and only the beginning of the Life has survived in transcription.


  Ffynnon   Enw lle Arwedd
 Modern Testun

1. Eglwys Gadeiriol Llanelwy, Llanelwy, (Cysegriad) Manylion
2. Eglwys Sant Asa a Sant Cyndeyrn, Llanasa, (Cysegriad) Manylion
3. Eglwys Sant Asa a Sant Cyndeyrn, Llanelwy, (Cysegriad) Manylion
4. Eglwys Sant Cyndeyrn, Llangyndeyrn, (Cysegriad) Manylion

Ffynonellau ar-lein

Darllen ychwanegol

David Farmer The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 253⁠–4

K.M. Evans A Book of Welsh Saints (Penarth: Church in Wales Publications, 1967), 63⁠–4

John Reuben Davies Steve Boardman John Reuben Davies Eila Williamson (ed.) 'Bishop Kentigern among the Britons' yn Saints' Cults in the Celtic World (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2009)

J.R. Davies P. Dalton C. Insley L. Wilkinson (ed.) 'Cathedrals and the Cult of Saints in Eleventh-and twelfth-Century Wales' yn Communities and Conflict in the Anglo-Norman World (Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2011), 109⁠–11    Darllen ar-lein

Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson Nora K. Chadwick (ed.) 'The Sources for the Life of St Kentigern' yn Studies in the Early British Church (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958)
